SPEA Voice
Lay off and Recall Protections: the city must provide 30 days notice before a layoff can occur, members retain recall rights for 1 year as long as they are qualified, interested, and available to return back to work, and members receive 4 weeks severance pay if they are laid off. See Article 10.6 of the SPEA Collective Bargaining Agreement for more information.
What else can SPEA members find in their Collective Bargaining Agreement?
Job Protection language, including Seniority and Just Cause in Discipline and Discharge; Employee Rights and Safety; Wages, Hours of Work, Leave Time, Benefits, and more! You can find a copy of the Collective Bargaining Agreement above, under the Resources Tab.
Not a SPEA member, but would like to sign up to become a member.
The membership form can be found above, under the Resource Tab.
Want to find out more about the Seward Public Employee Association?
Contact the SPEA Leadership Team. You can find a list of who is part of the Leadership Team here Leadership.
Seward Public Employee Association, APEA-AFT, AFL-CIO
Union Strong!
May 17, 2021
The State of Alaska has no special entry or travel testing requirements. This page contains information and advisories for travelers, as well as links to community-specific travel restrictions, and information about arriving via the Alaska Ferry or road. Beginning June 1, 2021, at participating airports, all travelers to Alaska will be eligible to receive a free COVID-19 vaccine.
For frequently asked questions on the mandates: covid19.alaska.gov/faq/
For the travel declaration form (online form): ready.alaska.gov/For
Sleeves Up if you so choose Seward! The Pfizer vaccine is now available to those 12 years of age and older.
Get Out And Enjoy What Our Great State Has To Offer This Summer
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